Friday, January 28, 2011

Blog 13

My last helper project was with Tuwap and Muhammad with their school movie project. I did advertising as well as worked security for any shady characters that attempted to enter. I learned even the smallest things that we do as a group brings us together. Next time I would try and arrange it for a longer time period, so we can complete the movie. All in all I think it went well, especially with the boys only kind of deal.

Blog 12

My second helper project was with Muhammad and Karan, with a the football tournament. I also advertised and helped with the process of organization once everyone showed up, in addition I made everyone very pumped and encourage them. Next time I would do nothing differently, the only bad thing was the area of play, and also I would maybe have it during lunch and clubs for people who were not in sports club, and were afraid to skip.

Blog 11

My first helper project was the candy gram project with Emily. I helped advertise, getting people to buy the candy grams. Then when delivery date came I got all the candy and notes together, and helped deliver them to their recipients. I thought that everything went well through the whole process. I did not think that there were very many cons, except we should have got everything ready before the delivery class period.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog 9!

As of 12/16/10 we have completed the final portion of our first lead project. That is they day in which we had the last tournament match resulting in seniors wining. Now i have to focus on earning my helper points, I have partnered with DJ, Kavahe, and Mohamed so far, so I should be getting the help projects done soon.

Blog 7!

For our second lead project we are going to do an activity similar to our first lead project. There will be a two week soccer tournament where we will have four teams. The fist week there will be two tournaments with two teams each, then the winners of those teams will advance and play the next week, the winner will be the champion of the event. Each team will consist of 4 players that makes for 3 players and one goalie. the games will have two halves just like in regular soccer and the length will be from 10-15min depending on how late in the lunch period (30min) that we start. The dates of the events will be January 13th for the first week and January 20th for the second week.

Blog 6!


Overall our project was largely successful, the tournaments went as planned and we had a reasonability large size turned out, and the seniors ended up winning! Next time I would make the students compose a list of their players and so they stick to those people without exception. Our pictures are with Mustafa and Casey, we plan on receiving them soon and uploading them. I think that if we had more of a crowd in the gym which was not allowed then it would have been more entertaining. What could be improved would be more professional and 7 on 7 team